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Heartbeat MechanismsDisk Heartbeat ( Voting device ) – IOTNetwork Heartbeat ( across the interconnect ) – misscountMisscount – max time a heartbeat can be missed before entering into a cluster reconfig to evict a nodeIOT – internal I/O timeout, in seconds where an I/O to the disk must completeIOT = misscount [ during initial cluster formation time]IOT = disktimeout [ all other times ]Hardware Storage timeoutSoftware Storage timeoutOCFS Heartbeat timeoutsdisktimeout > max(O2CB_HEARTBEAT_THRESHOLD * 2, HW_STORAGE_TIMEOUT, SW_STORAGE_TIMEOUT)
本文转自maclean_007 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/maclean/1277852